2025 Coproductions & Shows THEATER WINKELWIESE ZÜRICH Thurs. 16.01 2025 20:00 – PremiereTues. 19.01. 2025 16:00 Mon. 20.01.2025 20:00 Thurs. 23.01.2025 20:00 THIK BADEN Thurs. 30.01.2025 20:00 Fri. 31.01.2025 20:00BÜHNE AARAU, TUCHLAUBE Sat. 01.03.2025 20:00 Tues. 02.03.2025 20:00 THEATER WINKELWIESE ZÜRICH Tues. 15.04.2025 […]

2026 Coproductions & Shows Bühne AARAUTHIK BADEN An ageing drag queen ponders her memories in an attic like the poet von Spitzweg in a retro-futuristic future. Her whole life is packed in suitcases, and not just because of the lack of space in Metropolis’ precarious housing situation. The atmosphere is also apocalyptic and an unspecified […]

2023 CO-PRODUCERS & SHOWS BÜHNE AARAU, REITHALLE Fr. 17. Februar 2023 20:00 Sa. 18. Februar 2023 20:00 So. 19. Februar 2023 17:00 Mo. 20. Februar 2023 20:00 All cultures have their own celebrations and festive rituals. All over the world, being a host is precious.The Collectif barbare and its troupe of people of different origins […]

2022-2024 CO-PRODUCERS & SHOWS KRÄHENBÜHL & CO. THEATER WINKELWIESE ZÜRICH KELLERTHEATER WINTERTHUR BÜHNE AARAU, TUCHLAUBE 24.02.2023 20:00 25.02.2023 20:00 SCHLACHTHAUS THEATER BERN 24.05.2023 20:00 25.05.2023 20:00 26.05.2023 20:00 THIK BADEN 25.01.2024 20:15 26.01.2024 20:15 A man falls under the spell of a dystopian tale: a fossil discovered by Johann Jakob Scheuchzer in 1720 seems to […]
горитЬ небо – THE SKY IS BURNING

2023-2024 CO-PRODUCERS & SHOWS BÜHNE AARAU /2., 3., 6., 7. Dezember 2023GARE DU NORD BASEL /17., 18. Januar 2024SCHLACHTHAUS THEATER BERN /10., 11., 14., 15. Februar 2024THIK BADEN /2., 3. März 2024THEATER TICINO WÄDENSWIL /26., 27. April 2024ZÜRICH ZENTRALE WÄSCHEREI /31. Oktober / 1., 2. November 2024 Tatjana Werik and Vivianne Mösli wanted to create […]

2021-2022 CO-PRODUCERS & SHOWS TOJO THEATER BERN 24.11.2022, 20:30 25.11.2022, 20:30 26.11.2022, 20:30 27.11.2022, 19:00 THEATER WINKELWIESE ZÜRICH GARE DU NORD BASEL BÜHNE AARAU An installative music theatre, freely adapted from Raphael Urweider’s book of poems of the same name (“Wildern”, 2018). In a cube shaped installation filled with objects, live animals and plants lives […]

2019-2022 CO-PRODUCERS & SHOWS BAM! FESTIVAL BERLIN FIGURA FESTIVAL GARE DU NORD BASEL THEATER WINKELWIESE ZÜRICH BÜHNE AARAU TOJO THEATER BERN A performance without a live performer a film noir for the ears within a light and sound installation The spectators settle in and put on a set of headphones. Soon they hear a voice, […]

DAS Grosse Heft 2017-2021 CO-PRODUCERS & SHOWS BÜHNE AARAU ÖRKÉNY ISTVÁN SZÍNHÁZ THEATER BUDAPEST KELLERTHEATER WINTERTHUR GARE DU NORD BASEL THEATER WINKELWIESE ZÜRICH TOJO THEATER BERN THÉÂTRE DES OSSES FRIBOURG A musical theater based on the book “le grand Cahier” by Agota Kristof Two nine-year-old twins are the protagonists of “the Notebook”. Because of the ongoing […]

2018 CO-PRODUCERS & SHOWS Bühne Aarau The barracks of Aarau and the former indoor riding arena are immediate neighbours. However, there hasn’t been any direct contact between the two since the arena became a cultural venue. In order to make up for this lack, the Tuchlaube Theatre is setting up a unique project with very […]

2014 CO-PRODUCERS & SHOWS Bühne Aarau A participatory musical theater based on the book “Jakob von Gunten” by Robert Walser “We learn very little here, we lack teaching staff, and we boys from the Benjamenta Institute will achieve nothing, that is, we will later be very humble and subordinate people. ” From the very first […]